"Full and complete" story of meat from the ranches and farms of America to the dinner table. Talks about how protein from meat is important to human body. Also about the entire meat process - from livestock ranchers to transportation to stockyards to meatpacking to your grocery store. Missing the slaughterhouse though. Then we see a butcher explaining about how to get four meals out of one shank of ham.
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June 27, 2019 (edited)
Ah! Meat in 1950!
Enough here to make a vegan puke. 1950: Before they went ultra-lean and turned beef into dry stringy goat meat. When stuff was fried in lard and actually tasted like something - even McDonald's fries. "Grade A Choice" required marbling (most people today don't even know what "marbled" means). You may have died of a heart attack at 55 (mostly because the stent wasn't invented yet) but those 55 years were actually worth living because food was good. Lean meat - nearly inedible; and French fries that taste like paper. But I never dreamed there would be so many grossly obese slobs walking around, everywhere you look. Like we now know - that cholesterol in your blood stream isn't what you ate for lunch - it was largely what your liver produces all day, every day. Great film. Dressy people with lots of class, some hunky men out on the range, and glorious humming in the background - heavenly.
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May 16, 2011 Subject:
Whistling brisket!
A Fab looking film, BUT there is an awful high pitched whistling whenever the narrator speaks which I am sure could've been cleaned up very easily by just modulating the frequency of the sound transfer a bit... Watch it, but just don't be surprised if all the dogs in the neighbourhood start going crazy.
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March 9, 2008 Subject:
This film makes reference to an experiment in the 30s where a guy ate nothing but meat for a year. The results "astonished" researchers and doctors. They never say exactly why they were astonished, but the insinuation is that it was a good idea to eat MEAT ALL THE TIME. There are some skips in the audio, which is annoying, but you can still get the complete meat story. So far, this is the best story of meat I have seen.